
Judith Rooney Judith Rooney

Master Transitions: Let Routines Guide You

What I’ve come to realize is that my routines are what seem to save the day when I’m in a transition. I have certain non-negotiables within my routines that help serve as guardrails or act as a compass to provide direction and keep me from getting lost in the chaos of the day or life circumstances.

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Judith Rooney Judith Rooney

Maycember Madness? Embrace the Mayhem and Make Memories!

Before you know it, you’re stressed out with all the things on your list, just like December when you have gifts to buy, parties to plan, wardrobe choices, and worries of how everyone is going to get along and how you’re going to fit it all in. Hence, Maycember.

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Judith Rooney Judith Rooney


What I’ve come to know is that in the context of luck, mindset is key. While luck plays a role in everyone's lives to some extent, mindset shapes how individuals interpret and respond to it. What we think. What we feel. What we focus on and the meaning we attach to it is what gives it substance.

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Judith Rooney Judith Rooney

Women Friendships; Navigating Challenges & Changes from Mid-life and Beyond

Friendship is something we never outgrow. No matter our age, life circumstances, or what is happening, close, healthy relationships give us a sense of belonging that’s irreplaceable. As people enter middle age, they tend to have more demands on their time that are often more pressing than friendship.

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Judith Rooney Judith Rooney

Caring for your Mental health

As humans, we all have mental health, which requires the same level of attention and care as other aspects of our lives. Not something you can just ‘snap out of’, our mental health can be complex with a range of positivity and negativity.

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Judith Rooney Judith Rooney

February – a month of focus on health & relationships

February is traditionally considered the “heart” month, mainly due to Valentine’s Day falling in the middle of the month. In honor of the theme of American Heart Month, combined with the focus of relationships, I have put together a list of suggestions of things you can do to nurture your relationships and your health! These two themes are so closely aligned, it’s a no brainer, and a great way to enjoy another month of winter!

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Judith Rooney Judith Rooney

A new approach.

I am trying something different for this new year. Rather than setting the same “New Year’s resolutions”, I am setting monthly intentions. An intention is a chosen theme that allows you to create alignment in your life. Whereas a resolution can be a hard and fast goal for a desired outcome you wish to attain at some point in the future. Intention setting is less about achieving a specific goal, and more about a shift in mindset to achieve a goal. My hope is that this monthly approach will help me be more reflective, allow for a keener focus of my energy, and create flexibility with my actions.

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