Developing identity based habits
Your identity is at the core of behavior change. Good habits can make sense, but if they are in conflict with your identity, your belief about yourself, chances are you will fail to put them in to action.
If we don’t believe we can become a person who, let’s say exercises, we can sabotage our new plans for change. It’s hard to change your habits if you don’t change the underlying beliefs that have led you to where you are now. We can get excited with setting goals and determining the action we are going to take, without considering our own beliefs about ourselves and who we are.
So, the challenge becomes one of managing and editing your self-talk and beliefs, to the upgraded and expanded identity of who you want to be. The more you repeat the healthy behavior, the more you reinforce your identity. Begin acting as the person you want to become. You start to change your beliefs about yourself as you build those habits, becoming the best version of yourself! The more you repeat the desired behavior, you are reinforcing the identity associated with that behavior.
The goal is to build sustainable habits that supports a positive lifestyle change, and becomes a better version of you!
Even the smallest of habits can reinforce the identity you want to build.
How you want to feel about you is the “North Star” of habit change.
Journal Prompts:
What is my mind telling me about this behavior change?
I want to get better but…
The type of person I want to be is …
I can begin acting as the person I want to become by…
I have shown myself I can change by small wins…
How do I want to feel?